Extracting menus

Hello, noob here again.
I was reading up on editing and replacing menus and saw that to do this, the author of the tutorial uses some windows software to rip the menus. Is there a mac alternative to DVD Decrypter and SubRip? I have googled it, and can't come up with anything, and I don't really wanna buy a windows machine. What do you use if you want to extract menus natively on a mac?



Hi Ben,

I actually use PC apps for extracting assets - I haven't tried MacTheRipper for this purpose, sorry. But it ought to be possible, and you should get an m2v file as a result - for static menus this will only be one frame long.

As an alternative, why not try MPEGStreamClip ? If you have an un-encrypted DVD, just open the menu VOB file and choose to demux it to m2v and audio.



but for menus?

Thanks for responding, Ian.

I've used MacTheRipper many times before, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to rip menus with it. I've demuxed the movie with no problems, but what do I do for a menu? What kind of file will result (another M2V, or a motion JPEG or something)?

Thanks again,

You can use CrossOver Mac to

You can use CrossOver Mac to run SubRip:


There are various DVD ripping apps on Mac - MacTheRipper, for example.


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