Tape Images Files from DVD-R

Hi Guys,

Should I be able to read CMF 1.00 files (CONTROL.DAT, DDVID.DAT & IMAGE.DAT) off of a DVD-R or the HD? I can read DLTs all day long but DVDAE ME doesn't like a DVD-R I've been supplied with CMF file set on...

DAT>IMG mounts and plays fine. DVDSP authored project with DVD@ccess & ROM DATA,

Any ideas?



I assume my NV is

I assume my NV is re-syncing. I accidentally cut it on with the drives out. Now drives 1-3 and the power button are on constantly and drive 4 is flashing. And I can't locate it in raidar etc. If so any idea of how long ti would take all four drive are 500gigs. I'm waiting to migrate my data to my Ultra 4.

I assume my NV is

I assume my NV is re-syncing. I accidentally cut it on with the drives out. Now drives 1-3 and the power button are on constantly and drive 4 is flashing. And I can't locate it in raidar etc. If so any idea of how long ti would take all four drive are 500gigs. I'm waiting to migrate my data to my Ultra 4.

Plant Direct Mystery Solved

Hi Stevey K,

Thanks for sending me the Plant Direct images. It turns out that instead of putting all of the DDPID information in one file, they split it between the DDPID and the DDPMS file. So I need to go back to the drawing board to allow for the presence of a DDPMS file and if so decode it. Shouldn't be too hard, but will take a bit of time.



Great! Thanks Steve

Great! Thanks Steve

Quick terminal tip

One of my favourite termainal shortcuts is to drag the folder I'm interested in into the terminal window in order to get the right path to it - saves some typing !

Be happy to

Hi Larry

Will do - be interesting to get to the bottom of it. As it happened it didn't hold the project up - it was a music film and the original master we had supplied had a song on it which they didn't have clearance for so for some reason they sent the Plant Direct disc for us to pull off the different soundtrack.

In the end they sent a new master witrh the correct cleared song but me being me I wanted to get to the bottom of how and why I could use the Plant Direct images in DVDAfter Edit for future reference (always learning)

I'll burn you copies and send them to you


Tried that

Hi Trai

Yeah I thought of that and tried it but no joy. Could it be the fact that they have CSS on them?


Please send me Plant Direct files

Hi Stevey,

I would really appreciate it if you could send me the Plant Direct files, so I can debug the process of converting them. Two data DVD-R's would be great.


Larry Applegate
PO Box 37
Coloma CA 95613

Thanks guys...

Wow... after a bit of head scratching to get used to Terminal (which is a little too like going back to MS-DOS for my liking!!!). It worked. Genius

Thanks guys


Oh Steve,

I'm wondering if you make the files editable that DVDAfterEdit will quit complaining? Files copied from DVD recordables to HD are usually locked for editing. Maybe that will do the trick (I'd still remove the DDPMS file)?


What Ian suggested does work

Hi Steve,

Joining the two Main.Dat's into one with the terminal, and changing the suffix to .IMG will allow the Mac OS to mount the Image, and from there you can load the VIDEO_TS folder into DVDAE. This works well.

Take care,



Hi trai

Tried what you suggested but no joy....


It seems there's something

It seems there's something about the tape image DVDAE doesn't like. I have a vague idea it might have something to do with the exact names of the files in the DDP folders, but I'm afraid I can't remember what !

As a temporary workaround, if you're comfortable using the terminal, then you can join the two MAIN.DAT files into a single .img file using this command:

cat MyPath/Layer0/MAIN.DAT MyPath/Layer1/MAIN.DAT > /joinedMAIN.img

- which you should then be able to mount in order to get the files out. ( MyPath is obviously the path to your enclosing folder. ) NB. I haven't tried this !

Good luck,



Try this

Hi Steve,

Remove the DDPMS file from the layer folders, then go through the process again, and see if that helps.

Take care,


Nope still no joy...

Hi Jake

Found that if I opened the DDPID with TextEdit it gave me the name. used your method also it gave the same name. So I've rename the enclosing folder and have Layer0 and Layer1 residing inside.

So I launch DVDAfter Edit. Go File>Format/CopyCompare. Choose Source (left hand dropdown) Tape Image. Then Format/Copy To: (Right hand dropdown) and choose Disk Folder and find location to save it to. Press Start and get the error message. What could I still be doing wrong? Does the lcoation folder you save it to have to match also????

Bit flummoxed


Yes it does

Hi Steve,

Yeah the folder that you put the Layer0 folder in needs to be the Volume Name. Change the MAIN.DAT suffix to MAIN.IMG. Mount the img and you'll see the volume name. Un-mount, change the file back to MAIN.DAT and have another go with the folder hierarchy as Main Folder (with Volume Name)>Layer0 (not case sensitive)>Files (CONTROL.DAT, MAIN.DAT, DDPID etc) and select the Main Folder as Source,


That's What I did!!!

Hi ian

That's what i have done. Does the name of the enclosing folder have to be exactly the same as the project name - as unfortunately i have no way of knowing this - we didn't originate the project... is there some way of opning one of the files in a text program to see what the name should be?


Hi Steve,You should leave

Hi Steve,

You should leave the files in their Layer0 and Layer1 folders, make sure these are in an enclosing folder, named the same as the disc as Jake says, and select this folder ( not the Layer0 or Layer1 folders ) as the source for a tape image copy - it should work...


Create Disc Folders from DVD-R Plant Direct files

Ok, maybe I'm being a bit of a dim bulb here but I have been sent a DVD-R (double layer) with a Plant Direct Folder on it which contains two folders called layer0 and layer1 (exactly as that with lowercase lettering).

How do I use DVDAfterEdit to take this files and rebuild the DVD to my hard drive so that I can then rip out the soundtrack from the movie - and yes, it is legitimate!!!!

I have copied the files to a folder on my hard drive and have tried using the TapeImage in the Source dropdown but it keeps telling me "The folder chosend does not conatin the proper folder and file structiure for a tape image"

The layer0 and layer1 folders contain CONTROL.DAT/DDPID/DDPMS and MAIN.DAT files...

What could I be doing wrong or can't it be done?


Yep got it working

Thanks Larry,

Got it working. Yes DVDAE is quite particular :-)

Needed the 1st folder to have the same name as the disc, needed a LAYER0 folder as you said and you select the 1st folder as the source not the LAYER0 folder,

But now everything is fine,


Is there a Layer0 folder?

Hi Jake,

Try creating a folder on your hard drive using the name of the DVD, then create a "Layer0" folder within that folder, and copy the CMF 1.0 files to the Layer0 folder. Then it will be properly organized to be recognized as a "Tape Image", which should really be called "DDP Image".



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