Snow Leopard Compatibility with DVDAfterEdit

DVDAfterEdit Requires Carbon

DVDAfterEdit is built on the Carbon Frameworks, which Apple is in the process of phasing out. So if you want to continue using it, the best bet is to set aside a Tiger boot disk, where everything works as it was intended. In today's world, an inexpensive Firewire external drive is all you need.



QuickTime 7

The only thing I can think of is that you need QuickTime 7, but I would have thought that the Mpeg2 component would not have installed without it. It is optional to install QT 7 when you install Snow Leopard.

I apologize for the delay in answering.





I’v just migrated DVDAfterEdit Master Edition 3.0.5d3 to my new system with Snow Leopard Version 10.6.6 and QT Mpeg2 Component installed. I found no audio playback in Tracer at DVDAfterEdit ME, but at my old sytem with Tiger OS.
Is there anything I need to install to make it work?

Thank you,

Do you follow the

Do you follow the developpement of DVDAfterEdit for the futur ?

I mean, your application is precious for me. Every Authoring i made is finishing with DDP2.0 create with DVDAfteredit.
I bought DVDAfteredit for all the facilities. VTS Replacement, DLT Drives Support...

If DVDAfteredit doesn't work with the next OS 10.7, do you fix the application or is it the death of DVDAfteredit ?

Thanks for your answer.


please look at the small news-flash

larry posted a small news-flash: Snow Leopard has broken support for DLT drives, but all other DVDAfterEdit functions work the same as in Leopard.

what I found out, it should be needed to re-install the MPEG2-playback-component. I updated my system from leopard to snow leopard.


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